I got selected for PI-WAT for Symbiosis, Pune for BBA and have to prepare a biodata. I don't really know the format of a biodata. How do I write it?
A simple format for your resume is pasted below.Also given below are tips which will help you in preparing for your interview.All the best!!u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014-Moti SagarEducationExam Year Institution University/BoardM.A. May 2025 Universityof Mumbai (Economics)B.A. April2025 D.G. Ruparel College University of Mumbai(Economics with Econometrics)HSC Arts March 2025 D.G. Ruparel College Maharashtra BoardSSC March2025 King George MaharashtraBoardSchool,MumbaiAdd grade/percentage column at the end if your grades/percentages are good.If not, then drop the column.___________________________________________________Work Experience:Period Company Work Details/DesignationMay 2025 u2025 till date Scholar Peanut Butter Ltd Brand Management ExecutiveJune 2014-April 2025 Scholar Peanut Butter Ltd Management Trainee ___________________________________________________Experience details:Brand Management Executive u2025 Scholar Peanut Butter Ltd (fromMay 2025 u2025 till date)u00b7 Conducting market research in target cities in India tounderstand the breakfast food habits and requirements of residents, checking awarenessabout Scholar Peanut Butter availability as a much healthier Protein-RichBreakfast Butter optionu2026u00b7 Conducting Scholar Peanut Butter Awareness Programs at MahilaMandals in target cities to make mothers aware of the fact that Protein-RichScholar Peanut Butter is much better for the brain power of their children thanjams & dairy butter which have no proteins at allu2026u00b7 Conducting market research to understand the positioning ofimported peanut butter brands and their pricingu00b7 Evaluating & Establishing distributors in each cityu00b7 Working closely with the Brand Manager on refining BrandStrategy covering all aspects including positioning, pricing, distribution,promotionu2026Management Trainee u2025 Scholar Peanut Butter Ltd (from June2025 u2025 April 2015)Working with the CEO in conducting market research in many cities to know the availability of protein-rich ready-to-eat processed food in India as the company wants Indian people to shift their focus from fat and sugar rich foods like dairy-butter, jams etc to protein-rich foods.Understanding the positions taken in the consumersu2025 mind by each popular processed snack & breakfast food in India. Identifying the gaps in the position map.Understanding peanut butter market in the US and Europe through secondary research as peanut butter has been selling very well in those markets.Other AchievementsReceived Rajyapuraskar from Maharshtra State Scouts & GuidesReceived Open Government Scholarship for the year 2007-09.Received 3rd prize All India Essay Competition on Ethics in Business and Industry conducted by the u2018Forum of Free Enterpriseu2025 from Mr. Ajay Piramal (Piramal Healthcare), 6th May 2009.Received second prize for Street Play Competition at University of Mumbaiu2019s UDAAN festival, 24th February 2010.Served as a student council member of the college forthe academic year 2009-2010Computer SkillsMS Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet browsing, MS outlook, DOS, WindowsSalesforce CRMPersonal DetailsDate of Birth August 23rd 1993.Nationality IndianSex MaleMarital Status SingleLanguages Known Read:English, French, Hindi, Marathi, GujaratiSpeak: English, French, Hindi, Marathi, GujaratiWrite: English, French, Hindi, Marathi, GujaratiInterests Tennis, Painting, ReadingEmail:u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014-MBA/BBA interviewWhen you go for an MBA/ BBA, you should be clear about why you want to do your MBA/ BBA.In an MBA/BBA admission interview, your answer to u2018Why do you want to do MBA/ BBA?u2025 could be on these lines:u201cI plan to start my own business in the next 5 years (OR you may like to say, I want to work on making our family business grow using professional management techniques. OR I feel, in my professional life, in addition to my technical knowledge, knowledge of Finance, Marketing, HR and other functions will help me in producing better results, in terms of growth & profitability, in any organization.). For this purpose, I would like to learn in a systematic manner about finance, marketing, sales, production, inventory control, human resources management etc. I am very serious about this and I am sure that I will do well in MBA/ BBA, even better than my performance in the previous years as this is the area I want to focus on.u201d.If you are an engineer who has applied for MBA (HR) and you are asked u2018Why MBA (HR)?u2025 then your answer could be on the following lines:u201cI feel, Human Resources are very important in any organization. In the past, technology & finance only were considered important for the growth of any organization. However, now the importance of Human Resource Development and Management is also recognized as a very important area. I am specifically interested in Human Resource Training, Development, Guidance and Motivation to produce better results in any organization. I feel, Business Leaders like Steve Jobs, Narayan Murthy, Nandan Nilekani were very good in HR also and that is the reason why they could build very large teams & inspire the teams to deliver much more than what they would have otherwise delivered without their guidance and motivation.u201dYour answer to u201cWhy do you want to do MBA/ BBA?u201d should NOT be on these lines:u201cI donu2019t know. There was nothing else to do, so I thought of doing BBA/MBA.u201du201cI donu2019t know. My father/ uncle asked me to do it.u201du201cI feel, it is easy to get a well paying job after doing BBA/ MBA.u201du2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014You may get some more points from the following tips for job interviews:Interviewers primarily evaluate the following:1. Does this candidate have the knowledge and experience required for producing results as per the job requirement? (This is the reason why they probe into the projects completed by you.)2. Can this candidate consistently produce the expected results if selected? (This is the reason why many organizations say they want consistent 60+ in at least 6 or 7 out of 8 semesters.)3. Is this candidate the best fit out of the candidates shortlisted for the position?4. Will this candidate gel well with the team and the organization after he/she joins? (They also try to gauge ifyou are a loner / solo performer or ateam player.)5. Does this candidate possess the type of communication & leadership skills required for the job to be done? (This can be gauged through group discussions as well as interviews.)6. Does this candidate have a potential for further growth in our organization or will he/she not be able togrow in our organization because of his/her limited capabilities/potential?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------You should go well prepared for any interview if you want to get selected.Many good candidates are rejected because they donu2019t handle interviewers & their questions well. Sometimes they blurt out something they should not say.There are some Dos & Donu2019ts to follow when you appear for an interview.The same are listed below. Also, some frequently asked questions with suggested answers are stated below.1. Don't try to do anything unusual to impress the interviewers. (If you try to do something unusual, then it may look a bit odd and may work against you.)2. As the first impression definitely counts, dress well for all your interviews. Don't take dressing casuallyfor any of the interviews. Not even forthe 2nd,3rd or ... th interview in a company.3. Recommended dress code: Well ironed full sleeve shirt (preferably plain white or light), dark trousers, shoes. Short,trimmed hair. For women, any conservative formal dress like Punjabi Dress is okay.(Dress for the job for which you aregoing to be interviewed. If you are asoftware engineer and you are going for a marketing job, then dress like a marketing person.)4. Give respect & importance to all panel members even if some of them aresilent. Remember that all panel members give their rating. Sometimes, the mostsilent or unimpressive person in a panelis the most important person. Only those people are selected who are liked by the panel members. (Remember, out ofmany technically equal candidates, onlythose who are liked by panel members are selected.) You should show your u2018I can do itu2025 / u2018I will do itu2025 attitude throughoutyour interview. You should not saythings like u2018I am not sureu2019/ u2018I will tryu2025 as these indicate that you are not likely to take responsibility for youron-the-job performance. If you indicatethat you are not sure and you are not confident about producing results, then why should an interviewer selectyou?5. PREPARE YOUR ANSWERS IN ADVANCE to these typical questions:a. 'Tell us something about yourself':Tell only positive things about yourself in 10-20 sentences. Your education,experience, something that you are good at... Make sure that whatever you sayhighlights those skills which are required for the job for which you are beinginterviewed. Rehearse 5-10 times at home.b. 'Tell us about key projects thatyou have executed':Make sure that you can explain 4-5 good projects well, including (1) Whatthe project was about,(2) Application (like Inventory control, Financialaccounting, Device driveru2026),(3) Client name, (4) Industry, (5) Technology, (6)Team size, (7) Your role,(8) YOUR contribution, (9) Challenges, (10)Highlights...(THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART in any interview. So, prepareyourself well for this part.) Rehearse 5-10 times at home.c. 'Why would you like to join ourcompany?':Before going for an interview, Study the company's website well. Try tounderstand what they do, How they are different, Read some latest pressreleases which are typically available on company websites. Based on these, youwill know what you find interesting about the company... You should know thefollowing if you are going for a technical interview (1) Companyu2019s exact name(as many companies in the same business group have similar sounding names)(2)What are its products & services? (3) Which products/services are ofinterest to you?IF you are going for a marketing/financeu2025 interview, then you should know(4) CEOs name (5) Names of prominent individuals, if any, on the board ofdirectors (6) Total Revenue (7) Profitability (8) Information stated in thelatest press releases which are typically available on company website(9)Competing companiesu2026u2026u2026d. 'Why do you want to leave yourcurrent company?': Have a logical answer for this. Don't say 'For betterprospects' or 'For a higher salary'. Talk more about the work content that youare looking for.e. For each job-switch in the past,you should be able to give a 'logical reason for leaving and joining'. But,Don't criticize your past/present company or boss.f. For each gap in your education andjob, you should have a justification.g. 'On which technologies you wouldlike to work?': You may like to ask them about the kind of technologiesbeing used by the company and then talk about which technologies would interestyou and why?h. 'What kind of role are you lookingfor?': You may like to ask them about the kind of roles available and thentalk about which roles would interest you and why?i. 'What are your strengths?': Indicateyour strengths keeping in mind the job for which you are being interviewed.j. 'What are your weaknesses?': Indicatea weakness which will not come in the way of the job for which you are beinginterviewed. (Like: I am a bit emotional compared to my friends.)k. Don't say anything negative about yourselfin the interview.l. 'How much salary do you expect?':.Be reasonable when you quote the figure.Neither quote a low figure nor a very high figure.You may like to say, I am expecting 15/20/25% hike on my current CTC. (Quotewhichever percentage you feel is reasonable.)OR, just say 'as per your company standards' if you are not comfortablequoting the figure.m. Prepare well for tests by givingfree tests available on the net.n. What do you see yourself doingafter 5 years?This is normally asked to know the following:Are you clear about your career plans & career direction?or Are you a directionless person?If you are a directionless person then your interviewer may not like it.If you are a person with a direction then he would like to know if your plans match with what his company can offeryou in the next 5 years. If there isa substantial mismatch then you may not be offered the job.Normally, when somebody is employed, we would like him/her to be with our company for a long period unless we donu2019t likehim/her attitude or his/her work.So, if you say u2018I want to go for post-graduation in the next yearu2025 or u2018Iwant to start my own business after 2yearsu2025 or if a girl says u2018I am planning to get married in the next year.u2019u2026u2026u2026.., then the interviewermay reject you as the interviewer wouldlike you to be with the company for a long period and not just for 1u20132 years. Employees start producingsubstantial results only after 1u20132 yearsand so interviewers would like you to be with the company for a much longer period than just 1u20132 years.(u2018I am planning to get married in the next year.u2025 can mean that she may haveto relocate and so may leave because of that reason.)Please note that employment is almost like a marriage. It is intended to befor a long term.If you start talking about divorce (=leaving) for whatever reasons evenbefore getting married, then the interviewer would not feel comfortable withyour selection.Your answer to this question could be on these lines: u201cAs I see it, I shouldbe a team leader in 2u20133 years handling larger projects, and may be a managerleading a larger team in 5u20136 years.u201d. Say whatever is reasonably logical.If you say that you would like to be the General Manager or CEO in 5u20136years, then the interviewer would feel that you are a dreamer with unrealisticexpectations. If you give this impression then the interviewer may not selectyou.(In reality, you may get quick promotions if your on-the-job-performance isvery good. But, donu2019t sound unrealistic/ immature during interviews.)o. What are your hobbies?Please note that your hobbies reveal some personality traits of yours.For some jobs like General Management, Sales, Sr IT / Business Consultancypositions etc. you are required to be an extrovert person and a team player whois very good in dealing with people, as you are required to deal with internalteams and client personnel continuously.For some other jobs, it does not matter much whether you are an extrovert ornot. (These are jobs of programmers, mathematicians, research people, clerksu2026)Those who play outdoor/group games (which involve interaction with manypeople) are typically considered extroverts / good in dealing with people.(Games like cricket, basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis, table tennisu2026u2026)Those who play only indoor games or have hobbies which donu2019t requiremuch interaction with other people (except for a couple of people in the room) arelikely to be considered introverts / not so good at dealing with people.(Hobbies/ Games like reading, singing, cooking, chess, cards, carom, webbrowsing, facebook, philatelyu2026u2026)So, the hobby highlighted by you should ideally be in line with the job forwhich you have applied, even if it is not your major hobby. Make sure that youhave adequate knowledge of the game/ hobby as otherwise you will not be able toanswer questions on the same if asked.If you do this much, then you will do well in your interviews.Follow me & communicate with me if you would like to receive professional Career Development advice.